Helsinki City Bike App
This app allows you to display data from a real-life dataset from city bike stations and journeys around the Helsinki region. You can also quickly search for stations or sort the journeys based on, for example, the distance travelled.
Technologies used:
React, Node.js, MySQL, Docker, Python
Validating and handling pagination of a large dataset.
Quiz Time
It's quiz time! Create an account, and you can start creating multiple-choice questions, and answer the questions of others. Go to the statistics page to see how you are doing!
Technologies used:
Deno, Eta templates
Handling authentication and protected routes.
Localstorage Todos
Just another todo-app, really? Yes, but this time with some added spice! Responsive desing, persistence via local storage, and timer-todos make this one just a little bit extra.
Technologies used:
Creating custom hooks, using the useRef hook and avoiding the timer falling out of sync.